Unleashing a Newfound Courage

Camille had a chance to zip line for the very first time at spring break camp.

Going back to school is an exciting time, but it can also be scary. Kids fingers and toes may get a little sweaty, and their throats might feel a tad bumpy.

That wasn’t what it was like for Camille. She felt ready and excited for her first day of middle school.

That’s because she’s participated in our LEARN ALL THE TIME KIDS free afterschool activities and camps since first grade. Camille has had incredible opportunities that boosted her self-confidence, resilience, and sense of belonging.

For example, at this year’s spring break camp, Camille had a chance to zip line for the very first time! With a mix of excitement and nerves, she put on the special gear and climbed up to the top platform.

But when she got to the top, fear took hold. She hesitated for a long time, unsure if she could do it. Her friends and counselors cheered her on, believing in her when she didn’t believe in herself.

After battling her fears for what seemed like an eternity, Camille finally let go. Flying down the zip line, she felt both excitement and triumph. Because of the self-confidence she built with LEARN ALL THE TIME KIDS, she did it!

Her face beamed with happiness as she landed safely on the ground. It was a moment of success that she will never forget.

With newfound courage, Camille decided to zip line again. And this time, she didn’t hesitate. She soared down the line with a big smile. The zip line showed her that she can achieve great things when she believes in herself.

With her growing self-confidence, Camille accomplished another significant milestone. She wrote an essay all by herself and was accepted into the Ann Richard’s School for Young Women Leaders. ARF helped her to be ready for her first day.

Camille’s mom, Irma, is incredibly proud of her daughter’s accomplishments. She sees firsthand the positive impact LEARN ALL THE TIME KIDS has had on her life.

“We will be forever so grateful for all the support, advice, and words of encouragement for my daughter and the other students in this wonderful camp. You all help them to believe in themselves and motivate them to always give their best.”


Leading with Compassion


Paying It Forward