Mariah Silva, Austin Parks and Recreation Dept.

Mariah cultivates new programs for youth and provides them with positive experiences and an opportunity for their voice to be incorporated and heard in the process.

“Connecting with a group [of teens] that nobody was able to reach before is a true accomplishment and a testament the passion and energy Mariah brings to being a role model and opportunity-creator in the heart of East Austin.” - Jonathon Haynes, Supervisor

Mariah Silva is a Recreation Programs Specialist with the City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department. She was nominated by her supervisor, Jonathon Haynes, because she is motivated to make a difference in the lives of young people. Jonathon shares, “You see it in the way she shows patience, how she validates youth and tries to understand what they're going through, and in the opportunities she intentionally plans for our program participants. For Mariah, youth work matters, it's not just a job, and it's the most important work there is because the absence of a role model or a platform for their voice is a reality for so many youth in our communities.”

Mariah shared that she is especially proud of the customization shoe program she started for teens in her community. Mariah shared, “These teens have needed redirection over the course of the year, and it has been challenging finding something to incentivize them with until I started this program. They have been so eager to design their shoe on paper and go through the process. I have been able to build a sense of trust and respect with them. Soon we will get to finally customize our shoes and plan for the next session! The goal is to grow this program to as many teens as possible and help them find a sense of belonging in their community!”

In the future, Mariah wants to continue to impact and help youth in all communities find their voice and develop in the areas they want to excel in most. She hopes to, “Be that foundation that gives them the confidence for any endeavors they want to take on in their journey.”

Mariah’s advice for others working with young people is to have that confidence in yourself first. She shares, “What we do is amazing, and we have gotten this far because of who we are and what our why is. In order to pour into these youths’ cup, we have to pour into our own cups fist! We are who we needed when we were their age.”